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NAV, NAV 2009 R2

File Size in NAV 2009 R2 RTC

When we trie to acess files which are stored in Blob fields which are more than 5mb Size we get the error as follows:

Microsoft Dynamics NAV

The file that you are trying to use is too large.

and also an error occurs when we try to import files into Blob fields through RTC as follows:

Microsoft Dynamics NAV

The value of COPYSTR parameter 2 is outside of the permitted range. The current value is: 0. The permitted range is: from 1 to 2,147,483,647.

These errors occurs because there is a setting in custom settings file which restrics the file size as follows:

Limits the size of files that can be uploaded in order to avoid out of memory errors. This value is in megabytes.
<add key=”MaxUploadSize” value=”5″></add>

To access files more than 5mb size we need to change the setting and restart the service.
Hope this helps you guys.


2 thoughts on “File Size in NAV 2009 R2 RTC

  1. Hi,

    When solved the issue with size, I get an error saying that there is a max-length of 100 caracters in a string-value from the UPLOAD function.



    Posted by Allan | June 29, 2012, 11:08 am

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